

Tips from the School Nurse

It is important that we work together to keep healthy. Viruses spread easily among children in schools, and families with school-age children have more infections than others, with an average of one-third of these family members infected each year. By keeping our children flu-free, we benefit the community as a whole. You can help prevent the spread of flu or help your child get better if he/she does get sick by following a few simple steps:
  • If possible, you and your child should get a flu shot. 
  • Have your child wash his/her hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Remind your child to cover his/her nose and mouth with a tissue when sneezing or coughing and dispose of the tissue immediately or cough into their elbow or sleeve.
  • Disinfect frequently-touched surfaces and shared items at least once a day.
  • Ensure that bathrooms are stocked with soap, hand towels and tissues.
  • Teach your child not to touch his/her mouth, nose and eyes.
  • If your child is sick and has a fever, keep him/her at home to prevent the spread of illness to others. 
  • Students must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school. 


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