

Curriculum & Instruction

Welcome to Curriculum and Instruction! We strive to provide relevant and beneficial materials to assist our teachers in helping students find success both in and out of the classroom. We support all content areas within the district and continually look for ways to improve student achievement.

The heart of any school district is the delivery of instruction and the implementation of a standards-based, research-driven curriculum. The role of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction is to ensure students, teachers and parents have the tools, materials, and opportunities for engagement to provide high-quality educational opportunities so that our students are ready for the demands of the 21st century.

Professional Development


In the simplest terms, academic standards are what students should know and be able to do in various subject matters at each grade level. Wa-Nee Community Schools is committed to “high expectations” and “high achievement” for all students and utilizes rigorous and high-quality state and district standards to accomplish this goal.

RISE - Evaluation Plan

The RISE Evaluation System brings principals and teachers together in a common mission of developing, supporting, and recognizing excellent teaching.

Student Learning Objectives (SLO)

Student learning objectives are targets of student growth and achievement set at the start of the school year that teachers and students work towards throughout the year. Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) focus on the third requirement of Indiana Code (IC) 20-28-11.5, “Including Student Growth Data”. More specifically, SLOs focus on one of the multiple measures of student learning in RISE.
PowerPoint Presentations from SLO Training: 

High Ability

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